It's all about community and that's why we're here
We would like to help St Austell, and ultimately the planet, to transition to an environmentally friendly, secure place to live. Not just for us, but for generations to come. We are all in this together, from St Ewe to Kathmandu.
Who are we?
We are a committed group of people volunteering to bring our much loved St Austell a fighting chance in the future. We have varied backgrounds from town councillors, geeky climate scientists, cheeky environmental activists, nature loving home boys, and loud women who refuse to let us go quietly from one environmental disaster to the next. We all have two things in common, to see St Austell be the beacon for innovation and change as it always has been, and to enjoy the view of St Austell bay with an ale in hand.
This is our collective vision

To live in a place where community and government understand our place in nature and are actively engaged in rewilding our natural resources, mitigating the climate crisis, and building a secure future for ourselves and for generations to come. A place where education and play lead everyone to a deep understanding of how our planet and everything that lives in it and on it, is our responsibility and lifeline. There is no profit or pleasure on a dead planet.
What have we learned so far
There is no single method of achieving our vision, nor a single group or person that can do it. We have to work together, knowing that for all the perspectives and opinions there will never be a single solution either. But! there is help out there! The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has very made clear what needs to be done and in what time frames. Cornwall council's development plan is clear. We need to fulfil, support, and lobby for what we need. It will take us all to be responsible and hold the right people accountable to be sure of taking St Austell into a secure and liveable future for all generations.

How do we achieve our vision?

We work with the local town council, ask questions at full Cornwall council meetings, link people in with other climate support groups, encourage people to get involved with local wildlife and nature events, get our hands dirty with litter picks, support and organise community events and talks, and give out free trees! coordinate with other climate action groups and give everyone a chance to get involved, volunteer, and have a say.
Yes you can get involved!
Sign up to receive our Newsletter

We send out a newsletter every two months that contains news and events happening in and around St Austell. We can also advertise and include local nature and eco minded talks and walks, just get in contact with us by email if your organisation would like to be included, or fill out the form opposite if you would like to stay ahead of all the local info!
we will only use your data for email purposes and never pass on your details to any third parties. you can unsubscribe at anytime.

Use this website to find out who, what and where to get involved with, it doesnt matter who or how often, it matters that we dont just sit back and imagine things to be someone elses responsibility, that we have our say as a community, that we are not on our own. Check out our Proper Job pages, a directory of community groups, repair centers, and much more. St Austell has so many resources when you know where to look!
Facebook is our interactive platform. This where we chat, post information about events, connect with other climate groups and chat. You can also pick up tips and tricks to save the planet and your cash
You Tube helps us keep track of some of the most inspiring and informative documentaries and local climate change films. If you need a boost or to help inspire yourself others to make a change, try here.
Contact us: team@climateactionstaustell.org
Connect with Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClimateActionStAustell/
Please look at our Proper Job pages on this website, you will find links for the many fantastic projects that the people of St Austell have created and volunteer with on a daily basis. You are one beach clean away from meeting some new friends!

*This is website is not intended to be complete at any point! it needs to change and adapt as much as we do. Feel free to feed back with new businesses, people to connect with or new ideas and research. You can share this site as much as you like and if we have made any mistakes please contact us and let us know, right on.